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- Preface
- Introduction
- Note on the Diacritical Marks Used
- The Alphabets
- The Vowels
- The Consonants
- Acknowledgments

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The Vowels

Alongside the vowels I, i you noticed the additional symbol of the tilde, denoted thus, .

This symbol represents the same sound as do the symbols I, i, but the intensity is far less, and the effect is as if the main vowel (I,i) has been "underutilised". This is a necessary addition in Kashmiri, because there are a number of words in the language which end with this sound, while many other words have this sound, while many other words have this sound figuring in-between. The tilde implies that the sound is not to be stressed, and, hence, the above symbol will always figure beneath the letter after which the sound is to follow, as, for instance, in the following Kashmiri words:

This vowel is also frequently used in gender changes and number changes of words.

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