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- Preface
- Introduction
- Note on the Diacritical Marks Used
- The Alphabets
- The Vowels
- The Consonants
- Acknowledgments

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The Consonants

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Our next set of consonants has a few "new" sounds and need more attention.

The symbol  is a new sound.

The consonant  has no "sound equivalent" in English, but is best approximated by the sound of the letter Z in G.mp3an word  ZUCKER (Sugar), or by the letters ZZ in the English pronunciation of the Italian word PIZZA. Its sound is fairly commonly encountered in Kashmiri in such words as:

The consonants  has the sound equivalent to that of the combination TS in the English word HUTS.

We have the following Kashmiri words using this sound:

The symbol C represents the sound of the letters CH in the English word CHIN. Thus in Kashmiri it is used in the words shown below:

In Kashmiri the combination CH has a sound that is best represented by the Hindi pronunciation of the combination CHH in the word CHHAYA = shadow. Thus some of the Kashmiri words using this sound are:

The symbols J, j is pronounced the way one would the letter J in the English word JAM.

The Kashmiri words that employ this consonant are:

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